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The Sadness of Pixar: Geeks Who Drink’s Duh! is Back.

Before she voiced Sadness in “Inside Out,” Phyllis Smith was busy getting famous on “The Office.”
Before that breakthrough, she did a little bit of acting and worked in casting. Way before all of that, she was an NFL cheerleader for the St. Louis Cardinals. And after that, she worked as a burlesque dancer. We tell you all that because the guy who hired her for that job went by the stage name Will B. Able. He once played a guy named Reverend Felcher on “All in the Family.”
We’ve been meaning to work “Felcher” into our news feed ever since we launched it. Our work here is done.

One of our favorite round concepts that we run at Geeks Who Drink pub quizzes is “Duh!” What’s that, you ask? Well, the best trivia questions are usually the ones that are right on the tip of your tongue—so obvious that you may not know the answer offhand, but you should. In our Duh! rounds, we take trivia lovers on a voyage through our face-palmiest questions. Will you get fooled by these obvious factoids?
Our first book “Duh!” is now available! Order your copy today.
If you like this video, go ahead and subscribe to our Geeks Who Drink channel on YouTube! If you love our pub quizzes, then you’ll probably like our videos. We’re not sure. We know our moms are really proud of us.