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The Most Important Question

Not many people know this, but trivia is a great way to learn things! (Mind blowing, we know.) A good pub quiz can teach you about the world, about pop culture, and—sometimes—about the people around you.
When you play with a team, you get to know each other real fast: Who’s the go-to for sports questions? Who loves movies so much that they’ve seen almost every release in the last five years? Who went on a European vacation that led to them learning a lot about Renaissance art? That’s when trivia becomes more than just who knows what fun facts. It opens the door for conversations about how they learned those facts—their passions, their history, their hobbies, and more.
Add to that learning to work as a team, and trivia night becomes a pretty great place for couples to fall in love.
Meet Todd and Johlene—or “Down for the Account” as they’re known at their regular quiz night in Huntington Beach, California. They’ve been playing Tuesday night trivia at 2nd Floor Huntington for years and, this month, Geeks Who Drink had the honor of playing a special part in their very special night.
The Story
Todd and Johlene started out as coworkers at their accounting firm—hence their pun-derful team name. One thing they may not have accounted for was becoming such close friends, and eventually a couple. After happening upon a trivia night on their very first date, Todd and Johlene quickly fell in love with pub quiz—and then each other.
Taco and Trivia Tuesdays acted as their guaranteed date night every week, where they became an incredible team. Todd tends to hold things down in STEM categories like science, space, and technology, while Johlene masters the humanities with subjects like history, pop culture, and music. (A feat, as we know how much quizzers love the audio round.) Both love learning new things and can recall “a surprising amount of information from [their] childhoods and everyday life.”
In short, you definitely want them on your side in a trivia tournament.
The Plan
When it came time for Todd to propose, he already had something in mind.
“Trivia night is where we started,” he says, “and it felt right to bring things full circle. We see Dex and everyone else at 2nd Floor more often than we get to see our blood relatives and best friends, so we consider them all our family too.”
That in itself would have heartfelt and romantic—but Todd took it a step further. Knowing Johlene has always wanted to see the Northern Lights, he worked with QM Dex and CM Lex to change things up for the final bonus question of the night.
Dex swapped out the question with one from our extensive trivia archive and, with a little tech and special effects, brought the Aurora Borealis all the way down to California. The Northern Lights were projected over the couple’s booth, and their special song cued up for the big moment. That’s when Todd got to ask the most important question of the night: “Will you marry me?”
Of course, she said yes.

We can’t thank Todd and Johlene enough for allowing us to be part of such a special and important day—and for sharing their incredible story! Congratulations from all the geeks, dorks, and nerds here at Geeks Who Drink, and we can’t wait to learn what comes next for you.