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Thankful for You

Published November 10, 2024

Our humor may be as dry as an overcooked turkey, but we’re thankful for so much this time of year: our amazing game hosts, our talented writers, our dedicated staff, and you—our loyal quizzers. In your honor, we asked our quizmasters for some very thankful shoutouts to their favorite teams and coworkers. Here are just a fraction of their responses.

“Cheers to That So Ravens, regulars at The Raven Pub in NYC. This photo was from first time they placed in first (even though their team was larger than 6 so they didn’t win a prize) and they treated themselves and me to a bottle of champagne!”

– QM Courtney, The Raven Pub NYC

“Here’s Belle à deux Balls running Disney trivia at Night Owl in Scottsdale (team pictured is called Famtastic)”

-QM Connor, Night Owl Pizza & Drinks

“This is Idiotbox, and they’ve been a regular team at 30/70 Sports Bar & Grill since soon after I started hosting Small Batch Trivia there (about 3 and a half years ago).

Fun fact: way back before I ever became a QM, I was part of a team called Puppy Parade at another, non-GWD venue and Idiotbox was a rival team I used to play against (although they were Suck It Trebek in those days and have since changed their team name because respect). We got a chance to play against each other again a couple weeks ago, as I had a sub scheduled for a trip that ended up being cancelled so I decided to play at my home venue. We even used our old team names – it was a blast!

These folks are all awesome – Dave, Rich, Lee, and Carrie. Carrie is also an amazing baker and every time she makes holiday treats, she always has a batch for my household to enjoy! She has no idea how much it means to me, as she started gifting these soon after my mom passed away.
I appreciate them so much and look forward to seeing them every week!”

– QM Jenn, 30/70 Sports Bar & Grill

“One of my regular teams (Geeks Who Guess) dressed as me for Halloween.”

– DM Derek, The Public House at the Alexander

“My favorite team of regulars. Usually go by The Parents and play weekly at Boese Bros NE Heights in ABQ.”

– QM AJ, Boese Brothers Brewing NE Heights

“This might be one of my favorite [pictures]! I’m in the piñata costume. Some of my regulars weren’t there, but it was Halloween night at 7 Locks Brewery and a lot of people were very eager to take a picture.

The Bluey parents are one of my regular teams that comes every week. Also I have the most amazing bar staff. Kaitlyn, one of our beer tenders, took the picture for all of us.”

– QM Morgan, 7 Locks Brewery

“Last week I had a quizzer take a photo so I could be in it. 61 teams. QM Ben is in the audience playing and it was Mac the bartender’s birthday. He’s not missed one quiz in 2 years and we sang him happy birthday.”

QM Sarah, Bear Tooth Theatrepub

“Once in a great while, I get to host on a night my kids can attend. Tonight, it was just me and my 10 year old and the venue wanted him to co host. So he got to give the 1 minute warnings.

Seems so small…but getting to do that with him was special. And being in the kind of environment (both the venue and GWD) that makes such a thing possible is special, too.”

– QM Joshua, Glass Half Full at Alamo Drafthouse Las Colinas