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Ever Been to Ottumwa? Geeks Who Drink’s Duh! is Back

A guy named Donald Hayes holds the top ranking for points scored in both the arcade games Centipede and its follow-up Millipede. We know this because of an Ottumwa, Iowa-based organization called Twin Galaxies, which sets out to be “the world’s most preeminent professional organization, community and social platform that is solely dedicated to the recognition, promotion, support and elevation of all video game players throughout the world!” Now, that’s a mission statement.
Fans of one of the greatest documentaries of all time, “The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters,” should remember Twin Galaxies and its founder Walter Day as one of the main arbiters of video game high-scoring authenticity, Donkey Kong included. Editor’s note: We’re totally TEAM WIEBE.
But, how did Twin Galaxies gain so much clout in the high stakes world of classic arcade game scoring? Well, Day marketed the hell out of the place and became the self-proclaimed official scorekeeper for video games. Just do a Google image search of the guy and he’s pretty much always wearing a referee jersey. Talk about commitment. He even helped to get Ottumwa named the “Video Game Capital of the World” by mayor proclamation all the way back in the early ‘80s. Apparently Senator Chuck Grassley sent him a congratulations letter. Yeah, we know, he’s been around for 40 years.
Beyond its sick video game cred, Ottumwa boasts the following:
- Hometown of Tom Arnold AND “Radar” O’Reilly from “M*A*S*H”
- BattleBros Paintball
- the Ottumwa Courier
- Famous Footwear
- Canteen Lunch in the Alley, known for its loose meat sandwiches
- Antique Airplane Association’s Air Power Museum
- A Kohl’s store with the following review from Jonathan S. “My only complaint is that Kohl’s always seems to draw in cranky old ladies trying to cut lines and run me over with shopping carts, other than that for Ottumwa it’s probably the best location to buy clothing.”
- And a twenty minute drive southeast will land you in Eldon, Iowa, home to the American Gothic house
Oh yeah! Back to the Duh! video. This week, Jenna asks strangers obvious questions about the Venice Film Festival, classic arcade games, and more!

One of our favorite round concepts that we run at Geeks Who Drink pub quizzes is “Duh!” What’s that, you ask? Well, the best trivia questions are usually the ones that are right on the tip of your tongue—so obvious that you may not know the answer offhand, but you should. In our Duh! rounds, we take trivia lovers on a voyage through our face-palmiest questions. Will you get fooled by these obvious factoids?
Our first book “Duh!” is now available! Order your copy today.
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