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As of this writing, 286 episodes of Shark Tank have been scattered across the show’s 13 seasons, and there’s no shortage of amateur entrepreneurs who hope that one of the title Sharks will bite on their ideas.
Last week, Leslie Hsu and Greg Besner became one of the show’s could-be successes, when Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary made a $1 million deal with them to further develop their Sunflow beach chairs. The New Jersey couple said their $198 chair company is on track to become a $100 million business, which would put it among the show’s biggest successes. According to Investopedia, some of the biggest products to come out of Shark Tank are Tipsy Elves’ deliberately horrendous holiday sweaters ($125M in sales); the uncomfortably named Scrub Daddy kitchen sponges ($209M in sales); and the Squatty Potty toilet stool ($175M in sales).
If you’re blissfully unaware of the Squatty Potty, allow us to put these images into your unsuspecting visual cortex. The Squatty Potty is a small white stool that you’re meant to put your feet on while you’re trying to generate a Number Two. According to its inventors, that ‘knees up’ position relaxes your puborectalis muscle — a body part you shouldn’t Google under any circumstances — and allows you to do a poo without, straining, struggling, or you know, potentially going Full Elvis.
According to USA Today’s reviewer, it works. (“The poop just falls out of you,” she wrote. You’re welcome.) And on Amazon, 37,795 of its 44,305 ratings give the product five stars. “I had the best poop in my entire life because of this product,” a Canadian reviewer wrote. “I’ve been constipated for days before this product arrived and within minutes of having it in my possession, the unicorn magic took over,” one satisfied customer admitted... “So you think you could poop before? You were only pooping half speed,” another added. “This will take you into the future. You will learn about science and time travel. Prepare yourself for a journey because this will change your life.”
On the one-star side of the spectrum, some customers were unimpressed. “So my husband buys this claiming I’m going to start having better bowl [sic] movements,” one woman harrumphed. “There is nothing wrong with my bowl [sic] movements to begin with. Very hesitant after it sitting at my toilet for a few days I give it a go. I experience no difference.”
“I was conned into buying it because I saw it on the tv show,” another wrote. “It is now siting [sic] in a land filed [sic] polluting the earth after only one or two uses […] In nature there is no seat propping you up.”
So yeah, either the Squatty Potty will help you achieve bowel-related bliss, or you’ll see zero changes to your “bowl movements.” Regardless, Lori Greiner, the Shark who invested $350,000 for a 10 percent stake in this company, seems to know her shit.
Shark Tank shows up in this week’s Mystery Video Fun Club. Check it out here:
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