About Questionist

Knowing things is fun! Established in 2023, Questionist is dedicated to knowledge-based entertainment as a diversion, a business, and an art form (in all its forms!). Whether you want to find out when the next hot quiz show will hit your TV, or just learn some cool random stuff you didn’t know before, we got you covered.

There’s a lot more about our mission in our introductory column – the aptly-titled Welcome to Questionist – but for now we’ll share this excerpt:

As we trivia folk know all too well, the news cycle is a target-rich environment for the concept-hungry, and so that’s one of our aims: To be a friendly, funny explainer for as much of what’s happening in the headlines as we possibly can. Not useful, necessarily, but dang interesting anyhow.

Our other main purpose is to connect you to other lovers of knowledge-based entertainment, by being a one-stop shop for information on other places where you can get your trivia freak on. If we’re doing our job right, you’ll bookmark us because you trust that we’ll always have the latest on the new quiz show, mobile app, national tournament, crossword book, etc. We care about these things, and we want to know about them. Why wouldn’t we share that with you?

In doing this, we hope to be a great advocate for the concept of knowledge-based entertainment as an industry. Naturally, we’ll cover some of GWD’s pub-quiz competitors, as a natural extension of our mission: The hunger for knowledge is self-perpetuating. We don’t know anyone who wants to tease their brains exactly once a week.


Questionist is owned and operated by Geeks Who Drink LLC, whose main business is bar trivia. Necessarily, then, a portion of Questionist’s non-news content is derived from Geeks Who Drink trivia content, and thus can be fairly construed as marketing material for the pub quiz. Maybe some day that won’t be true, but today it is!

But as a publisher of trade news, Questionist is dedicated to editorial independence, and welcomes news items of nationwide interest from all corners of the trivia industry (including direct pub quiz competitors) at tips@questionist.com. Like any news outlet, we do not guarantee we will publish every such tip we get. But we do promise we will hold Geeks Who Drink to the same standards of newsworthiness and objectivity as any other news